[Python-Dev] Smoothing the transition from Python 2 to 3

Ryan Gonzalez rymg19 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 17:33:22 EDT 2016

On Jun 8, 2016 4:04 PM, "Neil Schemenauer" <neil at python.ca> wrote:
> [I've posted something about this on python-ideas but since I now
> have some basic working code, I think it is more than an idea.]
> I think the uptake of Python 3 is starting to accelerate.  That's
> good.  However, there are still millions or maybe billions of lines
> of Python code that still needs to be ported.  It is beneficial to
> the Python ecosystem if this code can get ported.
> My idea is to make a stepping stone version of Python, between 2.7.x
> and 3.x that eases the porting job.  The high level goals are:
> - code coming out of 2to3 runs correctly on this modified Python
> - code that runs without warnings on this modified Python will run
>   correctly on Python 3.x.
> Achieving these goals is not technically possible.  Still, I want to
> reduce as much as possible the manual work involved in porting.
> Incrementally fixing code that generates warnings is a lot easier
> than trying to fix an entire application or library at once.
> I have a very early version on github:
>     https://github.com/nascheme/ppython
> I'm hoping if people find it useful then they would contribute
> backwards compatibility fixes that help their applications or
> librarys run.  I am currently running a newly 2to3 ported
> application on it.  At this time there is no warning generated but I
> would rather get a warning then have one of my customers run into a
> porting bug.
> To be clear, I'm not proposing that these backwards compatiblity
> features go into Python 3.x or that this modified Python becomes the
> standard version.  It is purely an intermediate step in getting code
> ported to Python 3.
> I've temporarily named it "Pragmatic Python".  I'd like a better
> name if someone can suggest one.  Maybe something like Perverted,
> Debauched or Impure Python.

...Perverted Python? Ouch.

What about something like "unpythonic" or similar?

> Regards,
>   Neil
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