[Python-Dev] Improving the bytecode

Eric Snow ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 13:02:27 EDT 2016

You should get in touch with Mark Shannon, while you're working on
ceval.  He has some definite improvements that can be made to the eval


On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 2:08 AM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com> wrote:
> Following the converting 8-bit bytecode to 16-bit bytecode (wordcode), there
> are other issues for improving the bytecode.
> 1. http://bugs.python.org/issue27129
> Make the bytecode more 16-bit oriented.
> 2. http://bugs.python.org/issue27140
> Add new opcode BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP for building a dict with constant keys.
> This optimize the common case and especially helpful for two following
> issues (creating and calling functions).
> 3. http://bugs.python.org/issue27095
> Simplify MAKE_FUNCTION/MAKE_CLOSURE. Instead packing three numbers in oparg
> the new MAKE_FUNCTION takes built tuples and dicts from the stack.
> MAKE_FUNCTION and MAKE_CLOSURE are merged in the single opcode.
> 4. http://bugs.python.org/issue27213
> Rework CALL_FUNCTION* opcodes. Replace four existing opcodes with three
> simpler and more efficient opcodes.
> 5. http://bugs.python.org/issue27127
> Rework the for loop implementation.
> 6. http://bugs.python.org/issue17611
> Move unwinding of stack for "pseudo exceptions" from interpreter to
> compiler.
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