[Python-Dev] PEP 509: Add a private version to dict

Yury Selivanov yselivanov.ml at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 21:13:38 EST 2016

On 2016-01-20 8:54 PM, Andrew Barnert via Python-Dev wrote:
>> >I think Glenn was assuming we had a single, global version # that all dicts shared without having a per-dict version ID. The key thing here is that we have a global counter that tracks the number of mutations for all dictionaries but whose value we store as a per-dictionary value. That ends up making the version ID inherently both a token representing the state of any dict but also the uniqueness of the dict since no two dictionaries will ever have the same version ID.
> This idea worries me. I'm not sure why, but I think because of threading. After all, it's pretty rare for two threads to both want to work on the same dict, but very, very common for two threads to both want to work on_any_  dict. So, imagine someone manages to remove the GIL from CPython by using STM: now most transactions are bumping that global counter, meaning most transactions fail and have to be retried, so you end up with 8 cores each running at 1/64th the speed of a single core but burning 100% CPU. Obviously a real-life implementation wouldn't be_that_  stupid; you'd special-case the version-bumping (maybe unconditionally bump it N times before starting the transaction, and then as long as you don't bump more than N times during the transaction, you can commit without touching it), but there's still going to be a lot of contention.

Well, PEP 509 proposes to add ma_version only for CPython.  It's an 
implementation detail of CPython.  Victor's FAT optimizer is also 
tailored specifically for CPython, and making it work on PyPy would 
require a completely different set of hacks.

To remove the GIL or implement an efficient STM one will have to rewrite 
(and potentially break) so much code in CPython, that ma_version won't 
be a concern.

For now, though, ma_version will be protected by GIL, so threading 
shouldn't be a problem.

> And that also affects something like PyPy being able to use FAT-Python-style AoT optimizations via cpyext. At first glance that sounds like a stupid idea--why would you want to run an optimizer through a slow emulator? But the optimizer only runs once and transforms the function code, which runs a zillion times, so who cares how slow the optimizer is? Of course it may still be true that many of the AoT optimizations that FAT makes don't apply very well to PyPy, in which case it doesn't matter. But I don't think we can assume that a priori.

The idea of FAT is that it will also generate optimized code objects 
with guards.  I doubt it would make any sense to use it under PyPy or 
any jitted Python implementation.  JITs have a far better understanding 
of the code than any static optimizer.

> Is there a way to define this loosely enough so that the implementation_can_  be a single global counter, if that turns out to be most efficient, but can also be a counter per dictionary and a globally-unique ID per dictionary?

Defining it "loosely" means that you can't trust it.  I'd just 
explicitly say that:

- ma_version is an implementation detail of CPython and may not be 
implemented on other platforms;
- ma_version can be removed from future CPython releases;
- ma_version can be used by code optimizers tailored specifically for 
CPython and CPython itself.


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