[Python-Dev] Windows: Remove support of bytes filenames in the os module?

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 02:08:33 EST 2016

Le mercredi 10 février 2016, Steve Dower <python at stevedower.id.au> a écrit :
> I really don't like the idea of not being able to use bytes in cross
> platform code. Unless it's become feasible to use Unicode for lossless
> filenames on Linux - last I heard it wasn't.

The point of my email is that even on Python 3, users kept bad habits
because of Python 2. *Yes*, you can use Unicode filenames on all platforms
on Python 3 since 2009 thanks to the following PEP:

In my first email, I mentioned a bug report of an user still using bytes
filenames on Windows with Python 3. It is on the Blender project which
*only* supports Python 3. Or maybe I missed something huge which really
force Blender to use bytes??? But if a few functions still require bytes, I
would suggest to use instead os.fsencode() for them. It's more much
convenient to handle filenames as Unicode on Python 3.

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