[Python-Dev] Supported versions of OpenSSL

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 06:52:08 EDT 2016

On 29 August 2016 at 19:14, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 6:24 PM, Christian Heimes <christian at python.org> wrote:
>> No, LTS support should not be our concern. If you need a brand new
>> version of Python on an old LTS or Enterprise version of your OS, please
>> contact your vendor and buy support. You don't get to run old metal and
>> play with shiny new toys at the same time for free.
> I think I agree with you, but I'm not fully convinced. The current
> stable Debian (Jessie) also ships OpenSSL 1.0.1, although 1.0.2 is
> available in backports. The next stable release (Stretch) is expected
> some time 2017.

I agree keeping build compatibility with the latest Debian stable
release is a sensible baseline, but 3.7 won't land until some time in
2018, so Christian's proposed timeline still works on that front (but
jumping straight to requiring 1.0.2 in 3.6 wouldn't, suggesting that
supporting the latest Debian stable release will be a genuinely useful
guideline in helping to make decisions about minimum supported OpenSSL
versions for new CPython releases).

Assuming the checks for required OpenSSL features are able to be
implemented as feature guards rather than as a plain version check
(e.g. by issuing a warning if the detected SSL version is too low, but
otherwise letting the build continue), other distros will also be able
to keep new CPython versions building just by backporting the required
OpenSSL features.

More generally, it's important for folks to keep in mind that where
most commercial Linux redistributors invest directly in upstream
maintenance by assigning people to work on the kernel and other low
level infrastructure pieces full time (including the community distros
where those components are most actively developed), Python's
commercial redistributors aren't as well behaved, so we currently have
just the one full time developer working on PyPI and related PyPA
tooling, and a few folks that have successfully negotiated part-time
upstream CPython involvement as a condition of their employment.

That disparity means we have to start getting much better at
offloading security-sensitive work from CPython's volunteers to paid
Linux developers in cases where it's feasible for us to do so, even if
that in turn means requiring that Linux distros (both community and
commercial) pay much closer attention to keeping their network
security libraries up to date if they want their users to be readily
able to build and run the latest Python feature releases.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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