[Python-Dev] VS 2010 compiler

Carl Kleffner cmkleffner at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 23:08:46 CEST 2015

It should be possible with Wine.
Am 30.09.2015 22:50 schrieb "Laurent Gautier" <lgautier at gmail.com>:

> Hi Carl,
> Looks promising.
> Any chance the effort would consider cross-compiling (from Linux) as a
> possible objective ?
> Best,
> Laurent
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015, 3:58 PM Carl Kleffner <cmkleffner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Concerning the claims that mingw is difficult:
>> The mingwpy package is a sligthly modified mingw-w64 based gcc toolchain,
>> that is in development. It is designed for simple use and for much better
>> compatibility to the standard MSVC python builds. It should work out of the
>> box, as long as the <Python>\Scripts folder is in the PATH.
>> It is not 'officially' released and announced, due to the fact that some
>> features are missing, the documentation has to be written and the build
>> scripts for the toolchain are not (yet) published.
>> Install a prerelease of mingwpy with pip:
>>   pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/carlkl/simple mingwpy
>> or with conda: (thanks to omnia-md)
>>   conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/omnia mingwpy
>> and use it at usual with pip install or python setup.py
>> You may need to configure %USERPROFILE%\pydistutils.cfg to use mingwpy
>> if you have an MSVC compiler installed:
>> [config]
>> compiler=mingw32
>> [build]
>> compiler=mingw32
>> [build_ext]
>> compiler=mingw32
>> Or you install the latest portable winpython distribution
>> https://winpython.github.io that contains the toolchain as well and
>> works out of the box.
>> Future releases of mingwpy will be deployed on Pypi.
>> That has to be said: the main emphasis of the toolchain is building
>> python binary extension (C, C++, GFORTRAN) on windows, not building python
>> itself.
>> Carl
>> 2015-09-30 21:15 GMT+02:00 Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com>:
>>> On 30 September 2015 at 16:57, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal
>>> <chris.barker at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>> >> 1. Install "Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4" (v7.1)
>>> >> 2. Work from an SDK command prompt (with the environment variables
>>> >> set, and the SDK on PATH).
>>> >> 3. Set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1
>>> >> 4. Done.
>>> >
>>> > This, unfortunately is non-trivial, and really a pain if you want to
>>> > automate builds.
>>> Please clarify. What is non-trivial? Installing the SDK? I know, but
>>> we said that's out of scope. Using an SDK command prompt? It is, sort
>>> of, particularly if (like me) you use powershell. But again, not our
>>> issue. I assume setting the environment variable isn't an issue - you
>>> can do it for the session rather than globally, so even restrictive
>>> permissions aren't a problem.
>>> I appreciate you mightn't be intending this as criticism of the
>>> instructions, but many people do criticise in exactly this sort of
>>> way. Unix developers, in particular, who have limited Windows
>>> knowledge, find this level of instruction really frustrating to deal
>>> with. That's not a complaint - I have *huge* appreciation for
>>> non-Windows users who bother to make builds for Windows users - but it
>>> is an acknowledgement that often the audience for this sort of
>>> instruction are stumped by Microsoft's less than intuitive install
>>> processes...
>>> For context, installing mingw is just as messy, complicated and error
>>> prone (I speak from experience :-)) so it's unfair to complain that
>>> the above is a non-trivial pain. I know of no install option that's
>>> *less* straightforward than this (except of course for "install any
>>> version of Visual Studio 2010, even the free ones" - if you have
>>> access to those, use them!)
>>> For automation, why not use Appveyor? See
>>> https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/appveyor/ Unless you meant
>>> setting up a local build machine. If you want a simple "install a
>>> Python build environment" process, you could look at
>>> https://github.com/pfmoore/pybuild - I haven't used it in a while (as
>>> it's of no relevance to me, because I have VS2010) but it does work. I
>>> never publicised or distributed it, because I got too much pushback in
>>> terms of "but it doesn't work right on my system" (typically because
>>> the system in question usually *wasn't* a clean build of Windows) that
>>> I didn't have time or energy to address. But if it works for you, go
>>> for it.
>>> I'll push an addition to packaging.python.org, probably tomorrow.
>>> Paul
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