[Python-Dev] My collection of Python 3.5.0 regressions

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Sep 20 10:03:59 CEST 2015

On 19/09/2015 06:38, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Mark Lawrence writes:
>   > I agree very strongly with your point here.  Raising umpteen issues
>   > over installation failures when a full release comes out strikes me
>   > as below the belt when there have been multiple previous releases
>   > without a squeak.
> Raising issues is always useful and appropriate.  It's up to Larry
> Hastings to decide whether he personally needs to do more work.

My point is that issues were raised after the full release was made, but 
no attempt was made to test for these problems in any of the previous 
releases, whether alpha, beta or release candidate.  There was advance 
warning here http://stevedower.id.au/blog/the-python-3-5-installer/, 
which was flagged up here 
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/python/dev/1175080. Larry doesn't 
need to do anything that I'm aware of, except perhaps be guided by our 
windows gurus.

> I suspect he probably will, though.  I knew these changes were risky
> on the lead time given, even though I don't do Windows, and I'm not a
> core Python developer.  I would hope that Steve Dower and Larry were
> at least as well aware of what they were getting into, and there are a
> lot of Windows users we *want* to support well.  (*Not* "have to", and
> YMMV.  But the Python developer community clearly has a working
> consensus on supporting Windows well.)

I'm certain that Steve was well aware of what he was getting into, 
Larry, at least with respect to Windows, I'm not so sure about.  Not 
that it really matters to me.  All I know is that the build procedures 
have been made easier on Windows, thanks mostly to Steve and Zach Ware 
in recent years, building on work done by Tim Golden, Martin v. Löwis 
and Mark Hammond amongst others.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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