[Python-Dev] My collection of Python 3.5.0 regressions

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sat Sep 19 07:38:36 CEST 2015

Mark Lawrence writes:

 > I agree very strongly with your point here.  Raising umpteen issues
 > over installation failures when a full release comes out strikes me
 > as below the belt when there have been multiple previous releases
 > without a squeak.

Raising issues is always useful and appropriate.  It's up to Larry
Hastings to decide whether he personally needs to do more work.

I suspect he probably will, though.  I knew these changes were risky
on the lead time given, even though I don't do Windows, and I'm not a
core Python developer.  I would hope that Steve Dower and Larry were
at least as well aware of what they were getting into, and there are a
lot of Windows users we *want* to support well.  (*Not* "have to", and
YMMV.  But the Python developer community clearly has a working
consensus on supporting Windows well.)

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