[Python-Dev] Choosing an official stance towards module deprecation in Python 3

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 07:48:20 CEST 2015

On 08.09.15 19:59, Brett Cannon wrote:
> The approaches to module deprecation I have seen are:
> 1. Nothing changes to the deprecation process; you deprecate a module
> and remove it in one to two releases
> 2. Deprecate the module but with no plans for removal until Python 2.7
> reaches its EOL (I have been calling this Python 4)
> 3. Document the deprecation but no actual code deprecation

Of course #2 LGTM. What if at the same time add Py3k warning in next 2.7 
bugfix release?

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