[Python-Dev] What's New editing

Guido van Rossum gvanrossum at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 20:23:15 CEST 2015

Awesome! We need more people with those skills!

--Guido (on mobile)
On Sep 5, 2015 11:07 AM, "Yury Selivanov" <yselivanov.ml at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2015-09-05 1:27 PM, David Mertz wrote:
>> I have to apologize profusely here.  Just after I offered to do this (and
>> work even said it was OK in principle to do it on work time), my work load
>> went through the roof.  And now it's really already later than most of it
>> should have been done.  I'd still very much like to work on this, but I
>> wonder if maybe someone else would like to be co-author since the increased
>> workload doesn't actually seem likely to diminish soon.
> I can recommend someone -- my colleague Elvis Pranskevichus.
> Elvis is a highly experienced Python developer with deep experience in
> networks programming, databases, compilers etc.  He also has very good
> editing skills, and helped me to better shape PEP 492 (Rationale and
> Abstract sections were written by him).
> He isn't a core developer but I can review and commit his patches, as well
> as assist him with other matters, like checking the NEWS file and ensuring
> proper versionadded/changed tags in out documentation.  We can spend 60-70
> hours on this task.
> Yury
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