[Python-Dev] PEP 498: Literal String Interpolation is ready for pronouncement

Nikolaus Rath Nikolaus at rath.org
Sat Sep 5 04:21:50 CEST 2015

On Sep 04 2015, "Eric V. Smith" <eric at trueblade.com> wrote:
> I've made a number of small changes to PEP 498. I don't think any of the
> changes I've made in the last week are substantive. Mostly I've
> clarified how it works and removing some limitations. The only
> meaningful change is that expressions are now surrounded by parens
> before they're evaluated. This allows for newlines inside of the
> expressions to be ignored.
> I think it's now ready for Guido to pronounce on it.

I just wanted to say that I think this is fantastic work. If the PEP
gets accepted, I expect that in my code f-strings will replace the other
interpolation mechanism in almost all cases.


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