[Python-Dev] VS 2010 compiler

Matthew Einhorn moiein2000 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 3 00:34:18 CEST 2015

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Carl Kleffner <cmkleffner at gmail.com> wrote:

> Concerning the claims that mingw is difficult:
> The mingwpy package is a sligthly modified mingw-w64 based gcc toolchain,
> that is in development. It is designed for simple use and for much better
> compatibility to the standard MSVC python builds. It should work out of the
> box, as long as the <Python>\Scripts folder is in the PATH.

Indeed, I tested it with 2.7.9 x86/x64, and wheres before I had to apply at
least http://bugs.python.org/issue4709, and
http://bugs.python.org/issue16472 and then generate the .a files to get it
to work, this worked out of the box! (except of course still needing to
change distutils.cfg).

I do wonder though, which may be slightly off topic here, whether putting
the mingw binary stub files (?) in python/Scripts, rather than directly
having python/shared/mingwpy/bin be on the path, is the best approach? I
suppose it's no worse than having the other stuff in python/scripts on the
path (although with e.g. pip you could do the python -m pip trick). Are
there guidelines about this (using python/scripts) for Windows? I didn't
see anything mentioned when python -m pip install ... vs. pip install is

Although I hope a 7z version of that mingw will be separately available for
those that want to share a copy between versions of python, since the files
in share/mingwpy is presumably the same between python versions for a
specific bitness?

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