[Python-Dev] PEP acceptance and SIGs

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Thu Oct 1 02:32:28 CEST 2015

On September 30, 2015 at 8:20:53 PM, Alexander Belopolsky (alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com) wrote:
> It has been my understanding that some PEPs may be discussed on specialized
> mailings lists, but a notice would be given on python-dev prior to any
> acceptance.

I don’t see any requirement to post PEPs to python-dev if they have a Discussions-To header in PEP 1. I don’t really think it makes sense in this case either tbh, PyPI, pip, and setuptools are not under python-dev’s banner. We use PEPs because they are a convenient way to manage change (and we’ve even discussed recently not using PEPs for packaging things that don’t have anything to do with the standard library and moving to a more lightweight process more akin to the Rust RFC process for various reasons).

Donald Stufft
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