[Python-Dev] PEP 441 - Improving Python ZIP Application Support

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Feb 17 23:05:21 CET 2015

On Feb 17, 2015, at 09:52 PM, Paul Moore wrote:

>I see no problem with either having zipapp develop into a much
>fuller-featured solution, or having an externally developed tool
>brought into the stdlib and replacing zipapp. I just don't think
>there's anything mature enough for that role out there yet, and I
>don't feel that we know enough yet to design the right solution from
>scratch in the PEP.
>As you say, though, that can come later. If 3.5 includes PEP 441 and
>Donald's proposed importlib additions, I'll be happy. If it also
>includes zipimport support for C extensions I'll be ecstatic! (But I
>suspect that one's more a 3.6 timeframe)

Agreed!  The only difference between executable zips and the full-featured
self-contained app is the goop you put at the front of the file, right? :)

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