[Python-Dev] PEP 370 - per-user scripts directory on Windows

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Thu Feb 12 18:39:58 CET 2015

On 02/12/2015 12:05 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:

> Could not py.exe be extended so that it allows starting scripts in a
> somewhat similar way?  'py-script -2.7 myscript foo bar baz' ???
> Which would execute the script myscript.exe, myscript.bat, myscript.py,
> myscript.cmd or whatever is in the Scripts directory on the Python 2.7
> installation, without changing PATH presistently?

I'm pretty sure py.exe should only start .py files, not .bat, .cmd, or .anything-else.


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