[Python-Dev] Move selected documentation repos to PSF BitBucket account?

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Sun Nov 23 21:38:28 CET 2014

> On Nov 23, 2014, at 3:03 PM, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at gmx.net> wrote:
> The next point is that there is no easy way to change the target branch of
> a pull request (on github or bitbucket).  People will usually make patches
> against the master branch unless told differently explicitly, which means
> that the pull request will also be against the master branch.  Which means,
> close the PR, ask submitter to resubmit against 3.x branch, or do it
> yourself.

This in particular is not really true on Github at least. By default PRs are
made against whichever branch you have configured as the default branch in
the Github UI. This does default to master but it doesn’t have to be, for
instance pip has this configured for the develop branch. Although I think 
this specific point is moot because if things were on Git it’d probably make
the most sense to have the default integration branch be ``master`` just like
for the Hg repos they use default.

Even if someone makes a PR against the wrong branch, it “degrades” into
essentially the same UX as you have now, you can turn a PR into a patch by
adding a .patch or .diff to the end of the PR URL and then you have a patch
file. In additional github makes it easy to check out PRs directly with only a
minor bit of one time configuration in your local clone. I can checkout any PR
by doing ``git checkout pr/1`` (replacing 1 with whatever the number is).

Honestly the worst part about someone sending a PR to the wrong branch is it
degrades into the same terrible UX that *every* patch has to go through on
a hg.python.org repository right now.

Donald Stufft
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