[Python-Dev] Problem displaying the warning symbol

Stefano Borini stefano.borini at ferrara.linux.it
Sun Nov 16 23:27:56 CET 2014

On 11/16/14 8:23 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

> Stefano, the right place to send an enquiry about a bug is python-list,
> not py-dev.

ok, sorry, but I wasn't even sure if it was a bug, and what was the root 

>> I'm doubtful this is a Python problem though.  More likely it is an
>> issue with the curses library on OSX.

Exactly. That's why I posted it here. I'll try to write it in C and see 
what happens.

> Presuming that the bytes are correct, there is no bug here.

The bytes are correct, but if there's a problem in the osx curses lib, 
maybe a workaround is possible. I honestly don't understand the root 
cause at this point.

However, let's close the conversation here, I will try to investigate a 
bit (if time allows) and if I find something conclusive I will either 
submit a patch or an investigation report.

Thanks for the feedback.

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