[Python-Dev] Merge conflicts from unmerged 3.4 commits, what do I do?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon May 19 06:52:58 CEST 2014

An hour ago, I pulled recent commits to my local repository.
I edited a couple of files, wrote commit messages, and pulled again, 
nothing new. I then did the usual: commit 2.7, commit 3.4, merge to 3.5.

Problem: merge conflicts from 6 files I have never touched.

I stopped at this point and ran diskcheck. I then looked at the DAG and 
noticed 5 previous 3.4 patches that were not merged into 3.5: rev 90750 
and 90751, Larry Hastings, 2 weeks ago!, rev
90752 and 90753 by Larry a day ago, and 90755 by Raymond Hettinger 8 
hours ago. From earliest to lastest:


If there was any notice on the Committer's list about not making 
commits, I did not get it. In fact, I do not remember getting anything 
on that list for at about a month. Besides that, I had no problem 3 days 
ago, and noticed the commit by Raymond, though not the absence of a merge.

In any case, what do I do now, short of deleting and re-cloning, so I do 
not make anything worse?

Terry Jan Reedy

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