[Python-Dev] collections.sortedtree

Daniel Stutzbach stutzbach at google.com
Mon Mar 31 23:01:40 CEST 2014

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 6:45 PM, Dan Stromberg <drsalists at gmail.com> wrote:

> In my testing blist.sorteddict was dead last for random keys, and
>  wasn't last but was still significantly underperforming for sequential
> keys (outperforming only binary tree and scapegoat tree, behind all
> others):
> http://stromberg.dnsalias.org/~strombrg/python-tree-and-heap-comparison/2014-03-18/

Could you post the source code for your test tools, so that I can reproduce
them locally and understand the results better?

I think I'm confused about what you're trying to measure.  It looks like
the tests perform get and set operations, neither of which required a
sorted dict.  Wouldn't a good comparison of sorted dict types include at
least one operation that relies on the sorted property?  Possibly I've
misunderstood how your tests work.

Daniel Stutzbach
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