[Python-Dev] Whats New in 3.4 is pretty much done...

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 13:18:53 CET 2014


Thanks David! I added a summary of security improvements:

Can someone please review it? Don't hesitate to modify the text
directly. Check also if the summary is complete.


2014-03-11 3:05 GMT+01:00 R. David Murray <rdmurray at bitdance.com>:
> Well, I think What's New for 3.4 is done.  I've been through all of the
> NEWS items from the start of 3.4 through the beta1 release.  I've gone
> over the list of changes Serhiy found via the versionadded/versionchanged
> in the docs.  (Since he marked some that didn't turn out to be 3.4
> changes, I assume he was over-inclusive rather than under-inclusive
> and am not going to re-run that particular check myself...thanks
> Serhiy for doing it!).
> In addition to the items in Serhiy's list that didn't have news entries,
> there were a couple of features that were added after Beta1.  So there
> might be some other features with missing versionadded/changed tags in
> the NEWS sections I didn't go through, but I hope not.  Slightly more
> worrisome is the possibility that I'm missing porting notes from the
> beta/rc phases.  But, I'm pretty much out of time for this project since
> Final is almost upon us.  I'll be making at least one more copy-edit
> pass over the document, and may reformat some stuff, but the content is
> pretty much set at this point.
> If anyone knows of anything that is missing, please let me know about
> it.
> --David
> I track my time as a habit, so for the curious I can tell you with
> a fair degree of accuracy how long this little project took: about 73
> hours total, starting on 12/20 last year.  Let me tell you, it felt even
> longer than that :)
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