[Python-Dev] Internal representation of strings and Micropython

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jun 6 10:32:25 CEST 2014

On 04/06/2014 16:52, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 04/06/2014 16:32, Steve Dower wrote:
>> If copying into a separate list is a problem (memory-wise),
>> re.finditer('\\S+', string) also provides the same behaviour and gives
>> me the sliced string, so there's no need to index for anything.
> Out of idle curiosity is there anything that stops MicroPython, or any
> other implementation for that matter, from providing views of a string
> rather than copying every time?  IIRC memoryviews in CPython rely on the
> buffer protocol at the C API level, so since strings don't support this
> protocol you can't take a memoryview of them.  Could this actually be
> implemented in the future, is the underlying C code just too
> complicated, or what?


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Mark Lawrence

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