[Python-Dev] Enable Hostname and Certificate Chain Validation

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 23:20:24 CET 2014

On 23 Jan 2014 07:48, "Donald Stufft" <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> Never mind. If someone else cares they can propose it. I withdraw.

That's unfortunate, but understandable - we already have a lot to deal with
just trying to get even the software distribution infrastructure to a
"secure by default" status.

However, now we have access to the system cert stores on all major
platforms, I *do* think it's a good idea to eventually change the default
settings to include host verification.

It's just any such concrete proposal, like any other major backwards
incompatible change, needs to be written up as a PEP, including a
transition plan for insecure environments where users will blame *Python*
if an upgrade breaks things, rather than the insecurity of their
configuration. We know all too well from the Python 3 transition how
unhappy it makes users when a new version complains about environmental
issues that previous versions blithely ignored.

While the normal deprecation process should suffice, that still means
Python 3.6 (2017-ish) is the earliest feasible target for new default

Such a proposal will also need to address the implications for source
compatible Python 2/3 code across *all* secure network protocols, not just
HTTPS (the latter can be handled relatively easily using the requests

A new, preferred, secure-by-default HTTPS client API for the standard
library (based on the requests API) is an orthogonal proposal, and one that
already has in-principle approval from Guido, preferably as a synchronous
front end to the asyncio networking backend.

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