[Python-Dev] Argument Clinic: Bug? self converters are not preserved when cloning functions

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Tue Jan 21 03:19:36 CET 2014

Please file an issue on the tracker and add me to the nosy list.  Do that next time, too; this didn't need to go to python-dev.

On Jan 20, 2014 5:46 PM, Tal Einat <taleinat at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm working on converting Objects/bytearray.c and Objects/bytes.c. 
> For bytes, the strip methods need a "self converter" so that they get 
> a PyBytesObject* instead of PyObject*. However, having set this in 
> bytes.strip and "cloning" that clinic definition for bytes.lstrip and 
> bytes.rstrip, it appears that the self converter wasn't set on lstrip 
> and rstrip. Removing the cloning and copying the argument definitions 
> resolved the issue. 
> Is this a bug? 
> - Tal 
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