[Python-Dev] Argument Clinic Derby update

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Wed Jan 15 17:16:06 CET 2014

The Derby is moving forward, and I have maybe a half-dozen contributors 
so far.  They've made a small dent in making the conversion but I'd have 
to say it's going slowly.  We could use more people contributing patches!

To the contributors with patches that are stalled in the tracker: Sorry, 
but there are only so many hours in the day.  I really am spending all 
day on this, every day, but I've also been adding new features in 
response to user requests and that's eaten a lot of my time.  I'm 
getting to the patches in the order they arrived in my mailbox.  Please 
sit tight, I'll get to yours, and I really do appreciate your 
contribution.  If you have more time to contribute, please consider 
writing more patches.  It really will help!

And I guess I could also use some volunteers to review patches, too!

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