[Python-Dev] Python 2.7.7. on Windows

Mike Miller python-dev at mgmiller.net
Tue Apr 29 22:21:39 CEST 2014

On 04/30/2014 04:14 AM, Steve Dower wrote:
> Here are some more minuses beyond those listed on the issue:

I have to say I'm a bit baffled.  I expected disagreement, but didn't expect 
that multiple reasons against would be made up seemingly at random?  I and a 
company I work for (that distributes Py) have been installing Python to 
ProgramFiles for almost a decade, and can assure that none of those things you 
mention have yet happened.

Also, your security point contradicts industry best practice.  Mac and Linux 
require sudo to install system packages, with user packages and venv as 

> My basic argument is not that you are wrong, but that it is too late to change.

That's a fine argument.

The problem is that we and others like us are not able to move to Py3 (for work) 
and won't be able to for a long-enough time that it could be considered to be 


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