[Python-Dev] possibility of shaving a stat call from imports

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Oct 18 18:53:55 CEST 2013

importlib.machinery.FileFinder does a stat call to check if a path is a
file if the package check failed. Now I'm willing to bet that the check is
rather redundant as the file extension should be a dead give-away that
something in a directory is a file and not some non-file type. The import
would still fail even if this is the case in the loader when attempting to
read from the file, but it happens a little later and it means finders
would be more permissive in claiming they found a loader.

Does anyone see a good reason not to take the more optimistic route in the
finder? As I said, the only thing I see breaking user code is if they have
a directory or something named spam.py and so the finder claims it found a
module when in fact it didn't and thus stopping the search for the module
from continuing.
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