[Python-Dev] PEP 455: TransformDict

Raymond Hettinger raymond.hettinger at gmail.com
Fri Oct 4 23:59:34 CEST 2013

On Oct 4, 2013, at 2:06 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not convinced by your usability test.

You're not the one who needs to be convinced ;-)

Please do conduct your own API tests and report back.  
This is necessary for a new class like TransformDict 
that was constructed from scratch and proposed for 
direct admission to the standard library.

This contrasts with other tools like OrderedDict, ChainMap, 
and namedtuple which started their lives outside the standard
library where we we able observe their fitness for real problems
being solved by real users.

None of my consulting client's have anything like a general
purpose transforming dict in their utility modules, so we lack
the real world experience that informed the design of the other
tools in the collections module.  To make up for that lack of
information, we need to put it in front of users as well as 
do research into how other languages have tackled the use cases.

In short, we need to know whether the API will make sense to people,
whether their code will be more readable with a TransformDict,
and whether the zoo of dict variants should continue to grow.

Right now, I don't know those things.  All I have to go on is that
I personally think the TransformDict is a cool idea.  However, that
alone isn't sufficient for accepting the PEP.


“… in order to get things merged you need to solve not only just your own problem but also realize that the world is bigger than your company and try to solve things in a way where it makes sense for other people, even if primarily it is for your own situation.” -- Linus Torvalds http://www.extremeta.com/2013/09/linus-torvalds-said-linuxcon-kernel-developer-panel/390

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