[Python-Dev] IDLE in the stdlib

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Mar 21 11:32:46 CET 2013

On 3/21/2013 5:27 AM, Paul Moore wrote:

> Can I suggest that debates about the capability of Windows command
> line programming are off-topic here?

I respectfully disagree, unless you say that the whole thread is off 
topic. If it is okay for people to say that IDLE, including the IDLE 
interactive interpreter shell is ugly, quirky, broken, badly maintained, 
and disfunctional, without giving hardly any facts or details to back up 
or explain the claims, and then claim it is so bad that it should be 
banished, then to me it is perfectly on topic for me to point out that 
the alternative, the CP shell, is objectively far worse in multiple 
respects. Yes, I gave some facts for the benefit of those who were 
willing to consider my claim that IDLE is better.

> it is what Windows users who use the command line are used to.

I bet that 'Windows users who use the command line' are less than 10% of 
Windows users.

I am willing to accept that you find it adequate. Why can't you accept 
that I find it wretched, especially when I explained some of why rather 
than just throwing it out as an opinion, and consider IDLE to be 
wonderfully better?

Terry Jan Reedy

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