[Python-Dev] End of the mystery "@README.txt Mercurial bug"

Eric V. Smith eric at trueblade.com
Wed Jun 26 14:21:19 CEST 2013

On 6/26/2013 8:18 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
> On 6/26/2013 6:43 AM, a.cavallo at cavallinux.eu wrote:
>> .. or having hg "purging" unwanted build artifact (probably cleaning up
>> the .hgignore file first)
> How would that work? How could hg purge the .bak, .orig, .rej, .old,
> etc. files?
>>>> find $(srcdir)/* ...
>>>> to avoid this problem. It won't expand the .hg top-level directory.
>>>    Or find \( -type d -name .hg -prune \) -o ...
> I'm torn. Yours is more obvious, but we'd likely need to add .svn, .git,
> etc. Maybe find $(srcdir)/[a-zA-Z]* ... would be good enough to ignore
> all dot directories/files?

Sorry for the mis-attribution. "Yours" refers to Oleg.


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