[Python-Dev] doctest and pickle

Mark Janssen dreamingforward at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 19:54:57 CEST 2013

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Mark Janssen <dreamingforward at gmail.com> wrote:
>>     >>> from pickle import dumps, loads
>>     >>> Fruit.tomato is loads(dumps(Fruit.tomato))
>>     True
> Why are you using is here instead of ==?  You're making a circular
> loop using "is"

I should add that when you're serializing with pickle and then
reloading, the objects should be seen as "essentially equivalent".
This means that they are either byte-by-byte equivalent (not sure
actually if Python actually guarantees this), or every element would
still compare equal and that is what matters.

Tacoma, Washington

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