[Python-Dev] Validating SSL By Default (aka Including a Cert Bundle in CPython)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Jun 3 18:36:36 CEST 2013

On Jun 03, 2013, at 01:20 AM, Donald Stufft wrote:

>So I would like to propose that CPython adopt the Mozilla SSL certificate
>list and include it in core, and switch over the API's so that they verify
>HTTPS by default. This is what most people are going to expect when using a
>https url (Especially after learning that Python 2.x doesn't verify TLS, but
>Python 3.x "does").

For the "verify HTTPS by default", do you mean specifically changing the
cadefault argument to urllib.request.urlopen() to True?  Note that I recently
closed a bug related to this:


+1 for changing the default to True.

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