[Python-Dev] importing modules

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Tue Jul 30 00:53:13 CEST 2013

Hi Syed,

On 30/07/13 07:57, syed khalid wrote:
> I am attempting to import modules from Shogun to python from a non-standard
> python directory ie from my /home/xxx directory. is there a way on ubuntu
> to selectively some modules, scripts, data  from one directory and others
> modules, scripts from another directory. In other words, is there a file(s)
> that provide pointers to where these modules are located.

This mailing list is for development OF Python, not development WITH Python. Questions like yours are best asked on the python-list at python.org mailing list, or if you prefer Usenet, comp.lang.python.


My (brief) answer to your question, is you probably should set sys.path appropriately. If that's not enough to point you in the right direction to solve the problem, please take any further discussion to python-list rather than ask here.



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