[Python-Dev] Dash

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 20:46:09 CEST 2013

18.07.13 20:48, Guido van Rossum написав(ла):
> I believe there are only a few places where en-dashes should be used,
> for most things you should use either em-dash or hyphen. Consult your
> trusted typography source (for US English, please, punctuation
> preferences vary by locale). E.g. Google for "em dash en dash".

Currently Python documentation in most cases uses en-dashes. Should we 
replace them to em-dashes? Should we remove spaces around dashes?

Or we should replace a half-dozen of em-dashes found in Python 
documentation to en-dashes?

I believe all hypens used in place of dash should be replaced to dash 
(but to en- or em- dash?) in any case.

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