[Python-Dev] PEP 446: Add new parameters to configure the inherance of files and for non-blocking sockets

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Fri Jul 5 02:41:02 CEST 2013

First up I broadly like this.

You might want to make clear that the "blocking" parameter refers
only to the file creation calls (eg socket.socket) and not to the
file descriptor itself, and is not to be confused with the UNIX
O_NONBLOCK file descriptor flag (and whatever equivalent flag may
apply on Windows).

This is deducable from your PEP, but I was at first confused, and
initially expected get_blocking/set_blocking functions in New

On 04Jul2013 13:03, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com> wrote:
| Other Changes
| -------------
| The ``subprocess.Popen`` class must clear the close-on-exec flag of file
| descriptors of the ``pass_fds`` parameter.

I would expect Popen and friends to need to both clear the flag to
get the descriptors across the fork() call, and _possibly_ to set
the flag again after the fork. Naively, I would expect the the flag
to be as it was before the Popen call, after the call.

This is not addressed.

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au>

Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once.

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