[Python-Dev] PEP 433: Choose the default value of the new cloexec parameter

Ralf Schmitt ralf at systemexit.de
Tue Jan 29 09:35:40 CET 2013

Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> writes:

> Yes, it's fine, because an application developer can often control (or
> at least study) the behaviour of all the code involved.

I'd rather not have to check if some library messes with that global
setting and work around it if it does! The fact that you can control and
work around a global setting that may change, isn't a reason to
introduce that global setting and the increased complexity that comes
with it.

> It's the same story as with logging configuration and similar
> process-wide settings. Libraries shouldn't mess with it but the
> top-level application definitely can (and should, even).

That's a bad comparison, because the situation is quite different with
the logging module. Configuration of the logging module does not change
the behaviour for code calling into the logging module (well, besides
log output being produced somewhere, but that doesn't matter for the

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