[Python-Dev] BDFL delegation for PEP 426 (PyPI metadata 1.3)

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 09:25:07 CET 2013

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> I don't know or care much about PyPI metadata, so do what you feel is
> right. If you are uncomfortable being PEP-uncle *and* -author, find
> another author or another uncle. But since it doesn't affect the
> language or library, it's fine with me if you are both. :-)

Based on this, and due to the fact that I think most everyone else
involved in reviewing PEP 426 would have already accepted it by now,
I've reclaimed the BDFL-Delegate role for PEP 426.

I'll be posting the latest draft to distutils-sig for a final sanity
check shortly. (Do people see any point in posting it here as well?
Everyone that will need to support it near-term is over on
distutils-sig, but may not be on python-dev)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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