[Python-Dev] BDFL delegation for PEP 426 (PyPI metadata 1.3)

Daniel Holth dholth at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 20:42:39 CET 2013

Bento is the only available packaging tool to heap praise onto and it is
impressive. I am reacting to all the hate heaped on setup tools when I
think the underlying DistUtils design is a big part of the problem. My
feeling is that stdlib packaging tools should be for bootstrapping and
reference, more like wsgiref than django.

Wheel is very similar to egg but tries to solve the original setup tools
sin of installing something you don't want (the entire setuptools build
system) by omitting the runtime component. The result is a very reviewable
couple hundred lines bootstrap installer or "unzip" in a pinch. Its also
built upon Python standards that were not available when easy_install was
On Feb 3, 2013 2:09 PM, "Ralf Schmitt" <ralf at systemexit.de> wrote:

> Daniel Holth <dholth at gmail.com> writes:
> > Wheel makes it possible for Python to get out of the build tool
> > business. Just install your preferred tools with a concise bootstrap
> > installer.
> If this is true, it would also have been possible with eggs, yet it
> didn't happen. Why do you think it will happen now or am I missing
> something?
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