[Python-Dev] please back out changeset f903cf864191 before alpha-2

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 19:40:46 CEST 2013

On 26 August 2013 17:40, Eli Bendersky <eliben at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, exactly :-) "Incremental", though, seems to support the conjecture
> that it's the input. Which is true, but, since XMLParser is also
> "incremental" in this sense, slightly confusing.

As a data point, until you explained the difference between the two classes
earlier in this thread, I too had been completely confused as both the
existing and the new classes are "incremental" (on the input side - that's
what I interpret "incremental" as meaning). It never even occurred to me
that the difference was in the *output* side. Maybe "NonBlocking" would
imply that to me. Or maybe "Generator". But regardless, I think the changes
you've made sound good, and I'm certainly less concerned with the new
version(as someone who will likely never use the new API, and therefore
doesn't really have a vote).

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