[Python-Dev] return type of __complex__

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Fri Oct 19 18:48:35 CEST 2012

2012/10/19 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com>:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 10/19/2012 11:56 AM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
>> 2012/10/19 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com>:
>>> On 10/19/2012 11:26 AM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
>>>> 2012/10/19 Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com>:
>>>>> indeed, you are right. So I suppose that in pypy we could just
>>>>> relax the check in cmath and be happy. Is there any chance that
>>>>> this will be changed in 2.7 and/or 3.x?
>>>> Certainly 3.x, but not 2.7.
>>> Why not 2.7?  It is a perfectly-backward-compatible change:  no
>>> currenly-working code could possibly break if cmath's restriction
>>> was relaxed.
>> It's a new feature.
> That is an assertion;  I can dqually assert that the current over-strict
> typechecking is a bug, because it doesn't conform to the semandics of
> 'comples_new'.

Nobody claimed it did conform to semantics of complex_new.

>> Also, it's possible that someone is relying on it throwing for
>> non-complex values.
> No already working, non-contrived code would break, becuase float is
> perfectly-promotable to complex.

I'm not saying the code which would break is good, I'm just saying it
shouldn't be broken in bugfix releases.


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