[Python-Dev] chained assignment weirdity

Devin Jeanpierre jeanpierreda at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 19:19:56 CET 2012

On Nov 6, 2012 1:05 PM, "Ned Batchelder" <ned at nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
> On 11/6/2012 11:26 AM, R. David Murray wrote:
>> On Tue, 06 Nov 2012 18:14:38 +0200, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>
>>> Another counterintuitive (and possible wrong) example:
>>>     >>> {print('foo'): print('bar')}
>>>     bar
>>>     foo
>>>     {None: None}
>> http://bugs.python.org/issue11205
> This seems to me better left undefined, since there's hardly ever a need
to know the precise evaluation sequence between keys and values, and
retaining some amount of "unspecified" to allow for implementation
flexibility is a good thing.

"Left undefined"? The behavior was defined, but CPython didn't follow the
defined behaviour.

--Devin (phone)
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