[Python-Dev] Proposal for better SSL errors

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sun May 27 11:08:37 CEST 2012

On Sat, 26 May 2012 19:31:55 -0700
"Gregory P. Smith" <greg at krypto.org> wrote:
> There is a long term caveat to the overall approach: It still leaves the
> exception details being OpenSSL specific.  If someone wants to ditch
> OpenSSL and use something else such as NSS (for example) in a future _ssl
> implementation what would its exception error info story look like?

That's a general issue with the ssl module. Unless we come up with our
own API and abstraction layer (which has a cost in design effort and
risks), we're following the OpenSSL architecture (e.g. the SSLContext



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