[Python-Dev] Open PEPs and large-scale changes for 3.3

Eli Bendersky eliben at gmail.com
Tue May 1 15:34:05 CEST 2012

>> * PEP 3144: IP Address manipulation library
> This is pretty close to approval. Peter's addressed all the
> substantive comments that were made regarding the draft API, and he's
> going to provide an update to the PEP shortly that should get it into
> a state where I can mark it as Approved. Integration of the library
> and tests shouldn't be too hard, but it would really help if a sphinx
> expert could take a look at my Stack Overflow question [1] about
> generating an initial version of the API reference docs. (I've been
> meaning to figure out the right mailing list to send sphinx questions
> to, but haven't got around to it yet).
> [1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377576/emit-restructuredtext-from-sphinx-autodoc

Will this package go through the provisional state mandated by PEP 411 ?


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