[Python-Dev] Playing with a new theme for the docs, iteration 2

Stefan Krah stefan at bytereef.org
Sun Mar 25 18:05:03 CEST 2012

Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org> wrote:
> Not with just a header.  http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/Teach/IntroSES/
> is a (very primitive and not stylistically improved in years) example
> of a frame-based layout that I use some of my classes.  I would
> put a search field in the top frame (if I had one. :-)  But I suppose you
> would find the fixed sidebar distracting.

No, if the whole sidebar is fixed I don't mind (though I'm not a fan of
frames). The top frame takes up space though.

> > In general fixed elements distract me
> > greatly. This also applies to the '<<' element in the collapsible
> > sidebar. When I'm scrolling, it's almost the center of my attention
> > (when I should be focusing on the text).
> I suspect you're unusual in that, but I guess it just is going
> to bug you no matter what, and I personally don't have
> *that* strong a preference either way.

Maybe. It's hard to determine. It's just that I don't see fixed search
boxes or fixed elements like '<<' on big name websites (who may or may
not have usability departments). So it is at least possible that such
features have always been controversial.

Stefan Krah

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