[Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

VanL van.lindberg at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 16:09:13 CET 2012

On 3/15/2012 6:19 PM, Mark Hammond wrote:
> [At least I think that is your proposal - can you confirm that the
> directory layouts in your proposal exactly match the directory
> layouts in virtual envs on all other platforms? ie, that
> inconsistencies like the python{py_version_short} suffix will not
> remain?]

Yes, that is the ideal.

> Also, I'm still yet to see what exactly becomes "easier" in your
> model? As you mention, most Python code will not care; distutils and
> other parts of the stdlib will "do the right thing" - and indeed,
> already do for Windows.

Again, I have stated my use case - cross platform development where the
tools use the directory layout in some way, or where the environment
should be checked into source control.

> It is a shame this wasn't done as part of py3k in the first place.
> But I assume you would be looking at Python 3.4 for this, right?

No, I would like this for 3.3.

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