[Python-Dev] Bitbucket mirror?

Brian Curtin brian at python.org
Thu Jun 28 20:10:48 CEST 2012

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Tim Golden <mail <at> timgolden.me.uk> writes:
>> Just recently I'm sure I saw a post saying that the main Python repo was
>> mirrored on bitbucket.org for the convenience of developers who could
>> then fork to their own accounts.
>> For the life of me I can't find it now. Can someone confirm and/or nudge
>> me in the right direction, please?
> I don't know how official it is, but I've used this mirror when I wanted to make
> use of BitBucket side-by-side comparisons:
> https://bitbucket.org/mirror/cpython/
> It seems fairly up-to-date. Much of my early work on the venv code was done
> using a clone from this mirror, and I pulled and merged from it lots of times
> without any issues.

Atlassian setup https://bitbucket.org/python_mirrors to mirror the
entire hg.python.org setup.


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