[Python-Dev] Packaging documentation and packaging.pypi API

Alexis Métaireau alexis at notmyidea.org
Wed Jun 20 18:57:32 CEST 2012

Le mer. 20 juin 2012 18:45:23 CEST, Paul Moore a écrit :
> Thanks - as you say, it's not so much the actual problem as the
> principle of what the packaging API offers that matters here. Although
> it does make a good point - to what extent do the packaging APIs draw
> on existing experience like that of pip? Given that tools like pip are
> used widely to address real requirements, it would seem foolish to
> *not* draw on that experience in designing a stdlib API.

IIRC, pip relies nly onthe XML/RPC API to get information about the 
distributions from the cheeseshop. the code that's in packaging.pypi 
was built with the implementation in setuptools in mind, so we keep 
compatibility with setuptools "easy_install".

But this is for the internal implementation. You're right and I will 
have a deep look at what the API in pip looks like when it comes to 
download packages from PyPI.

That is, this leverages one question more on my side: was/is pip 
intended to be used as a library rather than as a tool / are there some 
people that are actually building tools on top of pip this way?

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