[Python-Dev] Status of packaging in 3.3

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Wed Jun 20 17:34:09 CEST 2012

Hi all,

Sorry I can’t take the time to reply to all messages, this week I’m 
fully busy with work and moving out.

To answer or correct a few things:

- I am lacking time these months, but that’s because I’m still getting 
used to having a full-time job and being settled into a new country. 
With the feedback we’ve been getting from people recently, I am 
motivated, not burned out.

- I have started building a group of distutils2 contributors here in 
Montreal.  People are motivated, but it takes time to learn the codebase 
and tackle on the big things.

- The four modules identified as minimal, standalone, good subset all 
have big problems (the PEPs have open issues, and the modules' APIs need 

- Tarek, Georg and Guido have pronounced.  With all the respect I have 
for Antoine’s opinion, and the valid concerns he raises and that I don’t 
answer here, I consider option (d) accepted and will scrap one hour to 
do it before b1.


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