[Python-Dev] PEP 362 Third Revision

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Fri Jun 15 06:43:34 CEST 2012

On 06/14/2012 08:20 PM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
> 2012/6/14 Larry Hastings<larry at hastings.org>:
>> Also, it's more granular than that.  For example, Python now understands
>> symbolic links on Windows--but only haphazardly at best.  The
>> "follow_symlinks" argument works on Windows for os.stat() but not for
>> os.chmod().
> Then indeed it's more granular than a parameter being "implemented" or
> not. A parameter may have a more restricted or extended meaning on
> different operating systems. (sendfile() on files for example).

If you can suggest a representation that can convey this sort of subtle 
complexity without being miserable to use, I for one would be very 
interested to see it.  I suggest that "is_implemented" solves a 
legitimate problem in a reasonable way; I wasn't attempting to be all 
things to all use cases.

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