[Python-Dev] Announcing the python-static-type-checking google group

Edward K. Ream edreamleo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 18:25:31 CEST 2012

Hello all,

GvR has asked me to announce the python-static-type-checking google
group http://groups.google.com/group/python-static-type-checking to

Consider it announced.  Anyone from python-dev who likes may become a member.

Here is the "About this group" posting:

This group got its start as a response to GvR's Keynote address at
PyCon 2012, http://pyvideo.org/video/956/keynote-guido-van-rossum
specifically, his remarks about static type checking beginning in the
28'th minute.

Guido and I have been emailing about this topic for a day or so. These
emails will form the first few posts of this group.

This group is public, in the sense that anyone can see it, but initial
invitations will go only to those who have written significant python
tools related to type checking.  It will probably be best to have
group have a low profile at first.   Having said that, I encourage
members to invite others who may be able to contribute.  Experience
with other projects shows that crucial contributions may come from
unlikely sources.

Because of spam, this will be a moderated group.  New members must
request permission to post.

Edward K. Ream email: edreamleo at gmail.com
Leo: http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html

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