[Python-Dev] best place for an atomic file API

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 14:42:11 CET 2012

15.02.12 23:16, Charles-François Natali написав(ла):
> Issue #8604 aims at adding an atomic file API to make it easier to
> create/update files atomically, using rename() on POSIX systems and
> MoveFileEx() on Windows (which are now available through
> os.replace()). It would also use fsync() on POSIX to make sure data is
> committed to disk.
> For example, it could be used by importlib to avoid races when
> writting bytecode files (issues #13392, #13003, #13146), or more
> generally by any application that wants to make sure to end up with a
> consistent file even in face of crash (e.g. it seems that mercurial
> implemented their own version).

What if target file is symlink?

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